Grilled Tenderstem® Purple with Soft Boiled Quails' Eggs and Caper Dressing

Grilled Tenderstem® Purple with Soft Boiled Quails' Eggs and Caper Dressing

The Food Stylist, AKA Kate Wesson – has created this delicate, warming salad with our delicious Tenderstem® Purple, adding quails’ eggs as a rare treat. The sweet and sour dressing gives a flavourful kick to a quintessential classic.

Preparation time

10 minutes

Cooking time

15 minutes



Dietary requirements

  • Vegetarian

Nutritional information per serving

  • kcal 508
  • Fat 23.9g High
  • Saturates 4g Low
  • Carbs 43.6g
  • Sugars 17.5g Low
  • Fibre 14.1g
  • Protein 22.7g
  • Salt 1.76g Medium


  1. Place the onion in a small bowl and cover with hot water for 10 minutes before draining. Mix the cider vinegar with the sugar and add to the drained onions. Leave to one side to macerate.

  2. Blanch the Tenderstem® Purple for 3 minutes in boiling water, remove and put to one side.

  3. Cook the quails’ eggs for 1 minute and 45 seconds before plunging into iced water and peeling.

  4. Whisk together the dressing ingredients, adding in an extra squeeze of lemon juice, if needed, and set aside.

  5. Heat the olive oil in a griddle pan until searing hot, add the Tenderstem® Purple and griddle until each spear is lightly charred.

  6. Heat the lentils according to the pack instructions then mix with the red onion.

  7. Serve the lentils, topped with the watercress, Tenderstem® Purple and soft-boiled quails’ eggs. Spoon over the dressing and enjoy!


    Replace the quails' eggs with 2 hen's eggs if you prefer.

More ways to cook Tenderstem®

Nutrition information for Tenderstem® broccoli is based on lab analysis of the raw product commissioned by Tenderstem® broccoli. Please note, nutrition may vary due to origin, methods of storage and preparation, and freshness.

Nutrition analysis of recipes featured on the Tenderstem® broccoli website is calculated by a registered dietitian using McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods, Seventh Edition, but may vary slightly depending on the specific ingredients used. Analyses do not include optional ingredients or suggested accompaniments unless specific amounts are given. If there is a range in the amount of an ingredient, the smaller amount is used. When a recipe lists a choice of ingredients, the first is used.